Alyssa LuchsMESc Student
Yale School of the Environment CV EducationBA, 2023, Johns Hopkins University, Earth and Planetary Sciences
BA, 2023, Johns Hopkins University, Archaeology Current ResearchI am interested in understanding how Anthropogenic changes are affecting wildlife communities and habitats.
As a Master's student, I am planning to conduct research relating to conserving the North American mammal population. Using camera-trapping techniques, I would like to analyze the coexistence of mesopredator populations and how their abundances differ across different land-uses. I hope to provide insights for land-owners into how to better manage the land and facilitate forest management policies to best benefit the wildlife population. Previous ResearchAt Johns Hopkins University, I worked in the Soil Ecology lab under Dr. Katalin Szlavecz studying urban soil ecology. I completed a Senior Thesis project mapping invasive earthworm species in the Mid-Atlantic region. My methods consisted of fieldwork and citizen-science based approaches. I recruited hundreds of community members, several scientific organizations, and schools in the region to participate in earthworm sampling using collection-kits that I created and mailed out. My findings showed the range expansion of invasive earthworm species in the region and implied that citizen-science is a useful tool for advancing knowledge of species invasions.
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